
Keane-Hopes And Fears

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☆「來自英國年度最佳新進樂團,教人心醉神迷的動人旋律!」、「年度最讓人熱切期待的專輯之一!」~Music Week
☆「滿懷情感的唱著和諧悅耳的哀傷旋律,注定要征服全世界。」~The Fly
☆「生意盎然、魅力十足的樂團,主唱圓潤、清亮而饒富感情的嗓音,動人詮釋一首首精采的創作!」~Daily Telegraph
☆「鋼琴、鼓、高亢的歌喉與豐富的創作力,Keane成功的方程式;"Somewhere Only We Know"充滿感情而溫暖, 絕對是2004年迄今最佳單曲!」~the-reservoir

來自英國薩西克斯郡Battle小鎮,從小一起長大的基音樂團,在走唱英國小鎮6,以及於獨立廠牌Fierce Panda (發掘ColdplaySupergrass)發行兩張單曲之後, 2003年底正式加盟環球音樂, 2004年在最具公信力的媒體「英國國家廣播公司BBC」年度樂評票選活動中,獲選為「2004年最具潛力團體」,一時之間,基音受到前所未有的注目,新專輯的發行成為2004萬眾矚目的盛事。 沒有吉他手,「基音」以三種基因創造出全新音樂:鋼琴、鼓、以及歌聲。鋼琴編織出旋律、鼓給予骨幹,而歌聲賦予不朽的靈魂。在名混音師Mike Spike Stents (MadonnaU2)的打造下,主唱充滿穿透力的歌聲與絲絲入扣的動人旋律合而為一。首支單曲"Somewhere Only We Know",成功登陸英國金榜、問鼎2004年最佳單曲;第二波單曲"Everybody’s Changing"的歌聲表現直逼樂壇前輩ColdplayQueen的透明清亮;雖然沒有吉他的出現,"Bend & Break""Can’t Stop Now""Sunshine"等歌曲,融入貝斯助力,更添英式獨特風味。   


everybody's changing

You say you wander your own land
But when I think about it
I don't see how you can
You're aching, you're breaking
And I can see the pain in your eyes
Says everybody's changing
And I don't know why

So little time
Try to understand that I'm
Trying to make a move just to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
But everybody's changing
And I don't feel the same

You're gone from here
Soon you will disappear
Fading into beautiful light

Cause everybody's changing
And I don't feel right

So little time
Try to understand that I'm
Trying to make a move just to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
But everybody's changing
And I don't feel the same

So little time
Try to understand that I'm
Trying to make a move just to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
But everybody's changing
And I don't feel the same


轉載來自 魔鏡歌詞網


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