

集歌曲取樣、流行、舞曲、電拍與一身,就是Jesus Jones。擁有強勁的旋律與轉折,並結合舞曲勁拍與搖滾吉他樂團的歌曲特色,實在是既衝突又和諧。節拍是混同的,旋律是不規則的,隨時還會天馬行空的插進一段混音,這樣的形容,光看就讓人覺得昏頭轉向了,但是,用在Jesus Jones的音樂中,結果卻證明這不但是流行樂,而且有意思的舞曲!

一支單曲「Right Here, Right Now」,讓Jesus Jones嚐到走紅的滋味,更讓專輯「Doubt」大賣。不過,成功並沒有沖昏團長Mike Edwards的頭,這位樂團首腦(同時身兼吉他手/歌手),在此時更想充實樂團的音樂內涵,進一步探索電子音樂的可能性,他希望能推廣電子舞曲,讓聽流行樂的群眾也能接受,就以如此的理念,來著手接下來的作品,也就是1993年發行的第三張專輯「Perverse」(邪惡),發行當年最高曾奪下英榜第六名,並產生了「The Devil You Know」「The Right Decision」等排行名曲。這張專輯帶領樂團進入了電腦時代,音樂風格與架構雖然還是流行、搖滾樂,但同時含有前衛的TechnoRave舞曲成份。


The right decision

(Compromise and confusion steal us away)
When they say ignorance is bliss
It makes it sound too good to miss
How about that?
And the problem with success is you become what you detest
How about that?
How about that?

So who to believe and who do you trust
Well, it might as well be you
'Cos it seem that no-one else has got a clue

Get it wrong get it right
You can try as hard as you like
But there's no such thing in the world as the right decision
(Compromise and confusion steal us away)

Now it's okay for you to smoke
Just as long as it's not dope
How about that?
Two wrongs don't make a right
But there's a Gulf where they just might
How about that?

Suspended my trust
Reserved my belief
And did all I could do
In the hope that I might pick up any clues

Get it wrong get it right
You can try as hard as you like
But there's no such thing in the world as the right decision

Compromise and confusion steal us away

When to serve and protect
Means we may just break your neck
How about that?
For every question why
There's an answer on the sly
That few will look in the eye

Get it wrong get it right
You can try as hard as you like
But there's no such thing in the world as the right decision
(Compromise and confusion steal us away)



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